What is a driving after consuming charge in North Carolina?

What is a driving after consuming charge in North Carolina?
NC DWI Myths
What is considered an open container in NC?
If you have been drinking, sitting in your car to warm up could mean big trouble.
A Prayer for Judgment can help you avoid points on your license and an insurance increase.
You might have the opportunity to have your Wake County charge dismissed with community service or classes
If you have recently pled to a high speed ticket or have pled to more than one moving violation within the last year, the DMV might suspend your North Carolina driver’s license for up to a year.
Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) is a criminal offense that can carry more consequences for your North Carolina driver’s license than the typical traffic charge.
The North Carolina General Assembly continued to offer relief for those trying to rebuild their life in 2021. Many changes were made to the rules for criminal record expungements and many of those changes went into effect in December of 2021.
When most people think of a DWI, their minds go straight to open beer bottles on the floor of their vehicle. But the reality is that you can be charged with a DWI while under the influence of any type of drug, including prescription medicine.