North Carolina law grants judges the discretion to enter a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC). This is an appealing option for certain traffic citations…
Dismissed Charges Through a Deferral Program
The first question for many people looking for a criminal defense lawyer is “How do I get my case dismissed under First Offense?”
Disclosure of Private Images
In North Carolina, a person is guilty of disclosure of images if all of the following apply:
Expungement Law Changes- The Second Chance Act
The Second Chance Act is a bipartisan “clean slate” bill that automatically expunges your criminal charges that are dismissed or disposed “not guilty” starting in 2021, and allows individuals to petition for expungement of all nonviolent misdemeanor convictions after 7 years of good behavior at the end of 2020.

I Received a Simple Marijuana Charge, Should I Just Pay the Citation and Move on?
The short answer is: absolutely not! Don’t pay a citation and plead guilty without talking to a criminal defense attorney first.
Know Your Rights – When Do I Have to Give a Police Officer my Name in North Carolina?
It’s a question that many people have – if I’m stopped by a police officer in North Carolina, am I required to provide them with my name? What will happen if I refuse? The answer in North Carolina is…it depends.

You Never Get a Second Chance To Make a First Impression
The Second Chance Act was signed by Governor Cooper and is now in effect. The new law allows many North Carolinians to remove old criminal convictions.